📄️ Logger
Collect and manage development, debug, and error messages in one place.
📄️ Device Manager
Manage audio and video device settings.
📄️ Feature Detector
Detect user agents capabilities in order to provide user friendly
📄️ StreamHelpers
A collection of utilities to identify and adjust specific tracks within the stream.
📄️ Sound Meter
Read volume input level from a media stream.
📄️ Connection Info
Display a connection quality indicator based on the provided data. More details
📄️ Debounce Helper
Efficiently execute a function but not more often than the given wait time (in
📄️ WebHID Manager
Connect call control devices to synchronize call and mute states of the current meeting.
📄️ Geolocation
Utilities to work with geolocation links and coordinates. Available since version 1.9.2.
📄️ System Pressure Monitor
Get informed about your system compute pressure. Under the hood it utilizes the Compute Pressure API with source "CPU".