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Audio passthrough for Custom UI

· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

The audio passthrough option allows for greater preservation of audio received from your microphone without using Eyeson's echo cancellation and audio filters.

This is ideal if your microphone or sound equipment has these features built-in or if you want to preserve the full range of sound from a musical instrument.

Picture of a microphone connected to an audio mixer device

API playback layout changes

· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

We've made changes to the API playbacks layout that you need to be aware of!

  • Playback videos will use object-fit setting of its layout box
  • In "auto" layout, the object-fit is "auto" which most of the times means "cover" - in contrast to former "contain"!
  • To get the old behaviour, you have to set a layout with object-fit "contain"

How to Build a Virtual Situation Room with Eyeson (Part 1)

· 3 min read
Stefan Steinbauer
VP Marketing @ Eyeson

Virtual situation rooms are a quick way to build a command and control structure, and since they are virtual, they do not require physical space and can be created in large numbers to give teams room to collaborate.

Welcome to a series of posts

I will guide you through creating a virtual situation room in this series. It will have the following episodes.

  1. Creating a virtual situation room Creating rooms, different kinds of users
  2. Connecting the virtual situation room Inviting participants, adding sources
  3. Optimize the layout Custom Layout
  4. Permalink rooms Different usage, standard ops only?

Introducing the Permalink API!

· 3 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

Finally, developers are able to create pre-defined meeting rooms, get sharable guest-links, and start the meeting whenever needed with the same permanent links!

Share a meeting link, before the meeting has even being started!

POST /permalink
HEADERS Authorization

# options[exit_url] and many more options

This will give you all the links you need.

"links": {
"gui": "",
"guest_join": ""

Share location

· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

Nowadays "share location" is one of the basic features in mobile chat applications.

When share location is triggered, the device collects its geolocation information and after adjusting and confirming the location is sent and becomes visible as a map for other chat users. This is extremely useful, especially in situations where you need quick help and can't describe the location in words.

We've added some new functions dedicated to share and display location information in Eyeson meetings.

Share location map with a marker