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Session Lifecycle

A session is identified by its unique id and traverses different states. A new session is created via a post on /api/v2/session. The session is then tied to the client-id and the api-id which both are encoded within the jws-token.

  • INIT : SessionID has been created/reserverd.
  • SETUP: Client is connected via ws and setup starts.
  • ACTIVE: Session has started.
  • SHUTDOWN: Session is shutting down.
  • TERMINATED: Session has been terminated.

Note: Only one session per client-id-api-id should be allowed in states SETUP and ACTIVE.

The ACTIVE state can be ended by the following events:

  • Client sends a ws message type session_stop.
  • The ws-socket is closed (on purpose or via lost ping/pong, etc.)
  • The ice-connection goes into state failed/closed/disconnected
  • max-recording-time has been reached