Audio manager
Provides an implementation for automatic/manual audio routing during a call.
Starting with Android 12 the runtime permission BLUETOOTH_CONNECT
is needed in order to list/use connected Bluetooth devices. If the permission is not granted, Bluetooth devices can not be handled. Prior to Android 12 the BLUETOOTH
is automatically granted.
Create an instance of EyesonAudioManager
. By default, the output device priority will be Bluetooth > WiredHeadset > SpeakerPhone > Earpiece.
NOTE: When a wired headset is connected it is not possible to select earpiece as it will be overruled by the headset.
val audioManager = EyesonAudioManager(applicationContext)
When you join a meeting also start the manager and provide a listener to receive updated to selected/available devises
audioManager.start(object : EyesonAudioManager.AudioManagerEvents {
override fun onAudioDeviceChanged(
selectedAudioDevice: EyesonAudioManager.AudioDevice,
availableAudioDevices: Set<EyesonAudioManager.AudioDevice>
) {
// Selected/available devises will be reported here
Change the output device manually
After leaving the meeting also make sure to stop the manager.
Handling audio focus
By default, audio during a meeting is played without regard to AudioFocus. To avoid 2 or more audio sources being mixed together, your application should properly manage it's AudioFocus.
The EyesonAudioManager provides an easy way to handle the request and going/losing of audio focus.
EyesonAudioManager(application, audioFocusChangeListener = { focusChange ->
when (focusChange) {
AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN -> {
AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS -> {
// Permanently lost audio focus. No further callbacks will be received.
// Call [EyesonAudioManage.requestAudioFocus] to request focus again