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Start/join a meeting using tokens provided by the Permalink API.

User token

With the user token, you can start a meeting if it's not running or join it if it is.

userToken = userToken,
frontCamera = true,
audioOnly = false,
local = localVideoRenderer,
remote = remoteVideoRenderer,
eventListener = eventListener,
microphoneEnabledOnStart = true,
videoEnabledOnStart = true,
screenShareInfo = null

Meeting info

You can use either a user or guest token to get information about the permalink and room instance.

coroutineScope.launch {
val permalinkMeetingInfo = eyesonMeeting.getPermalinkMeetingInfo(TOKEN)

For information on using Kotlin coroutines, see Android and/or Kotlin

Guest token

The permalink guest token can be used to join a meeting that is already up and running. See Join with guest token.

If the meeting is running, can be checked if the PermalinkMeetingInfo room.startedAt is not null.