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To support screencasting from iOS devices, you will need to implement a Broadcast Upload Extension into your app.

  • Choose Add Target > Broadcast Upload Extension.
  • Add package dependency EyesonSdk_Screencast to broadcast extension.
  • Xcode generates a SampleHandler.swift file.

Replace Sample handler class inheritance from RPBroadcastSampleHandler to EyesonScreencastHandler and leave the rest of the class empty.

import EyesonSdk_Screencast

class SampleHandler: EyesonScreencastHandler {}


  • Call meeting.screencast?.observe() from your app and
  • RPSystemBroadcastPickerView() in your app to show the Broadcast Extension Menu.
  • As soon as the Broadcast Extension starts capturing, the stream will appear in the app.
  • To stop screencast, the stop button needs to be pressed within any of the Broadcast Extension system interfaces.