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Eyeson Node.js SDK

A Node.js library for the Eyeson API. It provides a client that allows to easily build applications that can start and manage eyeson video conferences.


Consult the documentation of the Rest API for details. The SDK can also be found on a Github repository


Add eyeson-node to your JavaScript project using npm or yarn.

$ npm install --save eyeson-node
# or
$ yarn add eyeson-node


Get an API-KEY from

import Eyeson from 'eyeson-node'
const eyeson = new Eyeson({ apiKey: '< api-key >' }) // configure to use your api key

To create a new meeting join a room. Note: The string typed identifier id represents which room to join. Users joining the same room-id will be connected. If you do not specify an identifier, there will be a new meeting created with every join request.

const user = await eyeson.join(username, roomIdentifier, options)
// Ensure the user (and meeting) is ready
await user.waitReady()

// Send a message into meeting chat...
await"/me sends a message")

// Update Layers and Layout
await user.setLayer({ url })
await user.clearLayer(layerIndex)

// Start a playback
await user.startPlayback({ url })

// Set a layout
await user.setLayout({ layout: "auto", show_names: false })

// Start and Stop Recoding
await user.startRecording()
await user.stopRecording()

// Start and Stop Broadcast
await user.startBroadcast(streamUrl)
await user.stopBroadcast()

// Stop a meeting for all participants
await user.stopMeeting()
Discover new functions:

// Snapshot info and delete
const snapshotInfo = await eyeson.getSnapshot(snapshotId)
const snapshots = await eyeson.getRoomSnapshots(roomId, page, startedAt)
await eyeson.deleteSnapshot(snapshotId)

// Recording info and delete
const recordingInfo = await eyeson.getRecording(recordingId)
const recordings = await eyeson.getRoomRecordings(roomId, page, startedAt)
await eyeson.deleteRecording(recordingId)

// Get user object after join
const user = await eyeson.getUser(accessKey)

// Register a guest user
const guest = await eyeson.registerGuest(username, guestToken, options)

// Start and stop a playback
await user.startPlayback({ play_id, url })
await user.stopPlayback(play_id)

// Send a custom message
await user.sendCustomMessage(message)

// Create a snapshot
await user.snapshot()

// Lock meeting to prevent new participants
await user.lockMeeting()

Layer updates

You can send local images:

import Eyeson from 'eyeson-node'
import fsPromise from 'node:fs/promise'

const eyeson = new Eyeson({ apiKey: '< api-key >' }) // configure to use your api key
const user = await eyeson.join(username)
const imageBuffer = await fsPromise.readFile('./overlay.png')
await user.sendLayer(imageBuffer, 1)
// or as jpg:
const imageBuffer = await fsPromise.readFile('./overlay.jpg')
await user.sendLayer(imageBuffer, 1)
// add an ID to check when it can be seen
await user.sendLayer(imageBuffer, 1, 'overlay-jpg')

Using the new eyeson-node-layer plugin you can create and send layers with ease.

import Eyeson from 'eyeson-node'
import EyesonLayer from 'eyeson-node-layer'

const user = eyeson.join('< username >', '< room id >', { options: { widescreen: true } })
const overlay = new EyesonLayer({ widescreen: true })
const timeEntry = overlay.addTextBox(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), font, fontColor, x, y, origin, padding, maxWidth, radius, backgroundColor)
await user.sendLayer(overlay)
setTimeout(async () => {
timeEntry.text = new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
await user.sendLayer(overlay)
}, 60 * 1000) // update time every minute

Meeting observer

import Eyeson from 'eyeson-node'
const eyeson = new Eyeson({ apiKey: '< api-key >' }) // configure to use your api key

const meeting = await eyeson.join(username)

const connection =
connection.on('event', event => {
if (event.type === 'room_update') {
else if (event.type === 'chat') {
else if (event.type === 'participant_update') {
// and many more
// ...later...
connection.close() // closes automatically on shutdown

Since version 1.3.0, eyeson-node includes functions to use with Permalink API.

import Eyeson from 'eyeson-node'
const eyeson = new Eyeson({ apiKey: '< api-key >' }) // configure to use your api key

const permalink = await eyeson.permalink.create('<username>', {
name: '<room_name>',
user: { id: '<user-id>' },
options: { widescreen: true },
console.log(permalink.userToken, permalink.guestToken,,

const list = await eyeson.permalink.getAll({ limit: 50, expired: false })

const permalink = await eyeson.permalink.getbyId('<permalink-id>') // can also be used to update "permalink.started"

const permalink = await eyeson.permalink.update('<permalink-id>', { options: { widescreen: false } })

await eyeson.permalink.delete('<permalink-id>')

const permalink = await eyeson.permalink.addUser('<permalink-id>', '<username>', { id: '<user-id>' })

await eyeson.permalink.removeUser('<permalink-id>', '<user-token>')

const user = await eyeson.permalink.joinMeeting('<user-token>')

const guest = await eyeson.permalink.registerGuest('<username>', '<guest-token>', { id: '<user-id>' }) // works only if permalink.started === true


$ npm install
$ npm run test -- --watch
$ npm run build