Node.js SVG Layer creation plugin
A Node.js plugin to define and create overlay or background SVG layer to use with eyeson-node.
Consult the documentation of the Rest API for details. The SDK can also be found on a Github repository
Add eyeson-node-svg-layer to your node project using npm
or yarn
$ npm install --save eyeson-node eyeson-node-svg-layer
# or
$ yarn add eyeson-node eyeson-node-svg-layer
Minimum required version of eyeson-node is 1.3.3!
Get an API-KEY from
import Eyeson from 'eyeson-node';
import EyesonSvgLayer from 'eyeson-node-svg-layer';
const eyeson = new Eyeson({ apiKey: '< api-key >' }); // configure to use your api key
const layer = new EyesonSvgLayer();
// layer.addText etc.
const user = await eyeson.join('< username >');
await user.sendLayer(layer);
Layer creation
You can create and apply foreground or background layers programmatically using the API. The SVG layer plugin gives you full control over positioning, styling, and customization of your conference overlays.
import Eyeson from 'eyeson-node';
import EyesonSvgLayer from 'eyeson-node-svg-layer';
const eyeson = new Eyeson({ apiKey: '< api-key >' }) // configure to use your api key
const overlay = new EyesonSvgLayer()
const fontSize = 16;
const bold = false;
const fontColor = '#fff';
overlay.addTextBox('Martin', fontSize, bold, fontColor, overlay.width / 2, overlay.height / 2, 'bottom right', 10, null, 4, '#000 50%');
overlay.addTextBox('Elisa', fontSize, bold, fontColor, overlay.width, overlay.height / 2, 'bottom right', 10, null, 4, '#000 50%');
overlay.addTextBox('Customer', fontSize, bold, fontColor, overlay.width / 2, overlay.height, 'bottom right', 10, null, 4, '#000 50%');
const gradient = overlay.createLinearGradient(90, '0% #777', '100% #555');
const shadow = overlay.createDropShadowFilter(7, 2, 2, '#555 50%');
overlay.addMultilineTextBox('Agenda:\n \n- Test Eyeson\n- Try Layer\n- One more thing…', fontSize, bold, fontColor, 700, 400, 240, null, 20, lineHeight, 4, gradient, 'middle').setFilter(shadow, 'box');
const user = await eyeson.join(username);
await user.sendLayer(overlay);
Save the resulting image as preview:
import EyesonSvgLayer from 'eyeson-node-svg-layer';
const layer = new EyesonSvgLayer();
// ...
await layer.writeFile('./preview.svg');
Here's a list of all EyesonSvgLayer methods:
const layer = new EyesonSvgLayer({ widescreen: true }): EyesonSvgLayer
layer.width, layer.height
const metrics = layer.measureText('text', fontSize, bold): width in pixels
layer.createLinearGradient(degree, ...colorStops): SvgLayerGradient
layer.createRadialGradient(...colorStops): SvgLayerGradient
// Set shadow that is applied to all following elements
layer.createDropShadowFilter(dx, dy, stdDeviation, color): SvgLayerFilter
// Set blur filter that is applied to all following elements
layer.createBlurFilter(radius, input): SvgLayerFilter
// Apply filter to an Item. Items with text and box can have type 'box' or 'text', or no type for all elements.
SvgLayerObject.setFilter(filter: SvgLayerFilter, type): SvgLayerObject
// Add text
layer.addText(text, fontSize, blur, color, x, y, maxWidth = null): SvgLayerObject
// Add multiline text that breaks at the given width and prevent overflow on given height
layer.addMultilineText(text, fontSize, blur, color, x, y, width, maxHeight = null, lineHeight, textAnchor = 'start'): SvgLayerObject
// Add an image. "dataUrl" must be like "data:image/...,...". Set width and height to resize the image
layer.addImage(dataUrl, x, y, width = null, height = null, opacity = null): SvgLayerObject
// Read image file and convert it to base64 Data URI
await layer.imageToBase64(path, mimeType = null);
// Add filled rectangle with border radius
layer.addRect(x, y, width, height, radius = 0, color): SvgLayerObject
// Add stroked rectangle with border radius
layer.addRectOutline(x, y, width, height, lineWidth = 1, radius = 0, color): SvgLayerObject
// Add filled circle
layer.addCircle(x, y, radius, color): SvgLayerObject
// Add stroked circle
layer.addCircleOutline(x, y, radius, lineWidth = 1, color): SvgLayerObject
// Add line
layer.addLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, lineWidth = 1, color): SvgLayerObject
// Add a filled polygon. points are alternating x, y coordinates
layer.addPolygon(color, ...points): SvgLayerObject
// Add a stroked polygon. points are alternating x, y coordinates
layer.addPolygonOutline(color, lineWidth = 1, ...points): SvgLayerObject
// Add text with a filled background box
layer.addTextBox(text, fontSize, bold, fontColor, x, y, origin = 'top left', padding = 0, maxWidth = null, radius = 0, color): SvgLayerObject
// Add text with a stroked box
layer.addTextBoxOutline(text, fontSize, bold, fontColor, x, y, origin = 'top left', padding = 0, maxWidth = null, radius = 0, lineWidth = 1, color): SvgLayerObject
// Add a filled box with multiline text that breaks at the given width and prevent overflow on given height
layer.addMultilineTextBox(text, fontSize, bold, fontColor, x, y, width, maxHeight = null, padding = 0, lineHeight, radius = 0, color, textAnchor = 'start'): SvgLayerObject
// Add a stroked box with multiline text
layer.addMultilineTextBoxOutline(text, fontSize, bold, fontColor, x, y, width, maxHeight = null, padding = 0, lineHeight, radius = 0, lineWidth = 1, color, textAnchor = 'start'): SvgLayerObject
// Clear layer objects to re-use a clean canvas
// Draw canvas and create the image buffer
layer.createSVG(): String
// Draw canvas and write to local file
await layer.writeFile(path: String): Promise<void>
For all methods, color
, or fontColor
can be CSS color value, e.g. '#000' or
'black' or a previous generated gradient. Colors can be combined with opacity
like black 50%
or #abc 0.2
can be 'start', 'middle', or 'end'.
can be 'top left', 'top center', 'top right', 'center left', 'center',
'center right', 'bottom left', 'bottom center', or 'bottom right'.
can be one number for all sides or an array of numbers. It supports
1, 2, 3, or 4 value notation.
All number values are in pixels.
The SvgLayerObject
is just an object containing type
and all its settings. It's great for further delta updates.
The SVG is generated with font-family="DejaVu Sans,sans-serif". If DejaVu Sans is installed, the result will be exactly as in the meeting. Otherwise sans-serif is used as fallback which leads to a very similar result.
const user = eyeson.join(...);
const overlay = new EyesonSvgLayer({ widescreen: true });
const timeEntry = overlay.addTextBox(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), fontSize, bold, fontColor, x, y, origin, padding, maxWidth, radius, backgroundColor);
await user.sendLayer(overlay);
setTimeout(async () => {
timeEntry.text = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
await user.sendLayer(overlay);
}, 60 * 1000); // update time every minute
$ npm install
$ npm run test -- --watch
$ npm run build
- 1.0.0 Initial release