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3 posts tagged with "screenshare"

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Choose pre-selected screensharing media

· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

What is this about?

In version 109, Chrome has rolled out a new media-picker where the order of display surfaces has changed. It has changed from screens/windows/tabs to tabs/windows/screens. Furthermore the pre-selection has changed too - from screens to tabs. Lucky for us, since version 107 of Chrome and Chromium based browsers, like Edge and Opera, there's an option that gives you back the control.

This article is showing how it can be controlled in your custom UI with eyeson-js since v1.8.5.

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The Screen Can Be Your Cam

· 3 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

Sending the screen capture is usualy only possible when displayed in the presentation view. This means, that only the presentation can be seen, but not the other participants.

With Screen Cam you can share your screen capture stream in a simple way instead of the camera stream. This way you can share your desktop, your browser or a browser tab (depending on the browser the client is using) as part of a meeting.

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