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2 posts tagged with "webrtc"

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Using Ghost to Create a RTMP-to-webrtc Proxy

· 5 min read
Florian Limberger
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

Integrating streams from drones or body-cams into video meetings is a nice-to-have. Since lots of devices of this kind provide their stream via RTMP bridging RTMP to webrtc is the task to solve.

With ghost we provide a go-based webrtc client which connects to an Eyeson meeting as a client and allows to stream in and out of that meeting. This client can be easily combined with a go RTMP server to achieve this.

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Build a Video Interface with JavaScript & WebRTC

· 5 min read
Christoph Lipautz
Alumni @ Eyeson

WebRTC provides a modern approach to enable real time communication from all major browser without the need of any plugins or extensions. Using WebRTC and the [Eyeson JavaScript library] you can build your own web interface without the need of managing connections or hardware devices. It also provides a powerful API to handle recordings, screen sharing, broadcasts, media into video injection, or group chats. This article provides an introduction on how to setup your own web based video client application and describes ways to enhance any video and audio call with additional features.

basic web GUI components