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5 posts tagged with "web"

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Snapshot API changes

· 3 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

This change affects Custom UIs using Eyeson Javascript or one of the mobile SDKs.

When a new snapshot is created, the update event will only include a list with the latest snapshots instead of all existing snapshots of the current meeting.


The old snapshot behaviour will shut down on 11th of September.

Furthermore, there will be 2 new API endpoints for retrieving the most recent snapshot information.

Custom UI - Connection Info

· 4 min read
Stefan Benicke
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

From now on you can include a connection quality indicator in your custom UI. This will give your users a quick feedback about their current audio / video quality.

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In its simplest form, you can use it as a traffic-light display for good / ok / bad connection. We also provide some more details and value, like bitrate, jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time.

Stop Meetings on Inactivity

· 5 min read
Christoph Lipautz
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

Any Eyeson video conference will stay open as long as at least one participant is present, and shutdown after a short waiting time when the last user has disconnected. In case your user did miss to disconnect or is gone for some other reason, we strongly suggest to use some sort of inactivity detection and auto-shutdown in your client applications. Using the default web UI we already got you covered: Any participant will be shown a dialog if there is no action detected for a long time.

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Progressive Web Apps, a Retrospective

· 6 min read
Christoph Lipautz
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

By following best practices to create a state-of-the-art website you may only be a few steps away from providing your HTML content as a progressive web app (PWA). PWA's come with many advantages and features we all love from using mobile applications. This blog post takes a look back on the PWA we've built at Eyeson and how our users appreciate this lite version for mobiles and desktop. We are happy to share our experience and feedback we've received as well as some insights on further improvements.

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Build a Video Interface with JavaScript & WebRTC

· 5 min read
Christoph Lipautz
Senior Developer @ Eyeson

WebRTC provides a modern approach to enable real time communication from all major browser without the need of any plugins or extensions. Using WebRTC and the [Eyeson JavaScript library] you can build your own web interface without the need of managing connections or hardware devices. It also provides a powerful API to handle recordings, screen sharing, broadcasts, media into video injection, or group chats. This article provides an introduction on how to setup your own web based video client application and describes ways to enhance any video and audio call with additional features.

basic web GUI components