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13 posts tagged with "API"

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· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke

We've made changes to the API playbacks layout that you need to be aware of!

  • Playback videos will use object-fit setting of its layout box
  • In "auto" layout, the object-fit is "auto" which most of the times means "cover" - in contrast to former "contain"!
  • To get the old behaviour, you have to set a layout with object-fit "contain"

· 3 min read
Stefan Steinbauer

Virtual situation rooms are a quick way to build a command and control structure, and since they are virtual, they do not require physical space and can be created in large numbers to give teams room to collaborate.

Welcome to a series of posts

I will guide you through creating a virtual situation room in this series. It will have the following episodes.

  1. Creating a virtual situation room
    Creating rooms, different kinds of users
  2. Connecting the virtual situation room
    Inviting participants, adding sources
  3. Optimize the layout
    Custom Layout
  4. Permalink rooms
    Different usage, standard ops only?

· 3 min read
Stefan Benicke

Finally, developers are able to create pre-defined meeting rooms, get sharable guest-links, and start the meeting whenever needed with the same permanent links!

Share a meeting link, before the meeting has even being started!

POST /permalink
HEADERS Authorization

# options[exit_url] and many more options

This will give you all the links you need.

"links": {
"gui": "",
"guest_join": ""

· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke

We've made changes to the playbacks API that you need to be aware of!

  • play_id is generated if omitted
  • playback_update sequence has changed
  • replacement_id takes userId, not clientId
  • EyesonJS (< 1.9.0) react to playback_update if _src: 'actioncable'
  • Update EyesonJS to v1.9.0 (npm or yarn)

· 4 min read
Dugar Enkhtuya

Thanks to the implementation of Custom layout map API in Eyeson, you can now change the layout without having the need for pre-defined layouts provided by us. This has some major upsides regarding the control over the stream content.

In this tutorial we want to use the adaptive layout to arrange users around an image for a seamless presentation.

Example web app

You can instantly update the stream content during a live session using some HTML and Javascript.

This example includes

  • a local image uploading script which draws it on a canvas
  • layout calculation depending on the image size
  • sending canvas and calculated layout to show in Eyeson via AJAX requests

· 3 min read
Stefan Benicke

Developers are free to create and apply their own custom layout maps whenever they need it! You need a special layout for your app? Just go ahead and create it!

The existing layout endpoint is extended with the new parameter map. The map is a JSON stringified list of box-definition-lists with x, y, width, height, and objectFit definitions for each box.

Here's an example map that places 2 boxes (640x360px) above eachother in the center of the video podium.

[320, 0, 640, 360, "auto"],
[320, 360, 640, 360, "auto"]