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How to add a Background Image

The background image feature offers flexible customization options. In the previous Layout Positioning example, we demonstrated a background image with blended numbered video layout positions. Now we'll show how to replace that background with a new PNG file - one that combines a PDF page with colorful background elements rendered on a canvas.


Images smaller than 1280x720 (widescreen mode) or 1280x960 (fullscreen mode) are centered in the background. Larger images are automatically scaled to fit the video stream dimensions, similar to CSS's object-fit: cover property.

export ACCESS_KEY=123...

curl -X POST \
-d "url=" \
-d "z-index=-1" \

Background Image with a pdf

For next pages just make the same request again with the adjusted PNG file.

GIF showing Background Image with a pdf changing pages

Deleting the Background Image

If you don't want the background image to be shown anymore, try using these snippets.

curl -X DELETE "$ACCESS_KEY/layers/-1"