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· 3 min read
Stefan Benicke

Finally, developers are able to create pre-defined meeting rooms, get sharable guest-links, and start the meeting whenever needed with the same permanent links!

Share a meeting link, before the meeting has even being started!

POST /permalink
HEADERS Authorization

# options[exit_url] and many more options

This will give you all the links you need.

"links": {
"gui": "",
"guest_join": ""

· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke

Share location map with a marker

Nowadays "share location" is one of the basic features in mobile chat applications.

When share location is triggered, the device collects its geolocation information and after adjusting and confirming the location is sent and becomes visible as a map for other chat users.

This is extremely useful, especially in situations where you need quick help and can't describe the location in words.

We've added some new functions dedicated to share and display location information in Eyeson meetings.

· 4 min read
Stefan Benicke

Using the new IFrame API is the easiest way to embed Eyeson video conferencing into your site or app using a few lines of HTML and Javascript.

  1. Integrate the Eyeson IFrame API script
    <script src=""></script>
  2. Provide an HTML element as meeting container
    <div id="meeting"></div>
  3. Call the EyesonIframe function and let the magic happen
    new EyesonIframe('#meeting', { accessKey: '...' });

IFrame API creates an iframe HTML element with all correct settings and loads Eyeson's default UI.

In advanced mode, methods to interact with Eyeson UI inside the iframe are available, like present, chat, snapshot, and also meeting events for the user like join and leave can be observed.

· 2 min read
Stefan Benicke

We've made changes to the playbacks API that you need to be aware of!

  • play_id is generated if omitted
  • playback_update sequence has changed
  • replacement_id takes userId, not clientId
  • EyesonJS (< 1.9.0) react to playback_update if _src: 'actioncable'
  • Update EyesonJS to v1.9.0 (npm or yarn)